Reveal in private; tell confidentially
Suspecting Draco Malfoy may have become a Death Eater, Harry confides his suspicions to Dumbledore
A display of bad temper;
usage:-He'd be a lovely, good little boy most of the time, but then he would become suddenly very aggressive, with these massive tantrums."
Favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power (as by giving them jobs)
usage:-The newly-elected chief minister, Ms Mayawati, set up an inquiry into alleged irregularities, nepotism and bribery in the selection process.
Putting to death by mob action without due process of law
usage:-10 thieves were lynched in Bihar
An outline of a solid object (as cast by its shadow)A drawing of the outline of an object; filled in with some uniform color
A passenger aircraft is silhouetted against the early morning rising sun in New Delhi.pic for this: